

Use of this site means you accept the following terms and conditions.

This site is free for all to use. I cannot be held responsible for what you do with the information on the site. I have done my best to make sure the information is correct. If you feel I have made an error that is detrimental to you or your site please notify me. I cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of information on this site.

I will not edit your résumés without your consent, however, I reserve the right not to put on my site a résumé. You are responsible for what is in your résumé. If for any reason I plan on taking off your résumé from my site you will be informed via e-mail. In the highly unlikely event that the address of this site changes or if your résumé is taken off, I cannot be held responsible for any financial loss that may occur.(e.g. if you have printed business cards including "www.rodenbach.net/yourname.html") as a result.

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