of Paolo Sciarrone
Born in Milan on the 30th of December 1962
Nationality: Italian
Marital Status: single
Address: Yakuba Kolasa 21-38 - Minsk (Belarus)
Tel/Fax + 375 17 232 34 65


JULY 1987

Degree in Comparative Philology (Romanza/Germanica)
University of Leiden (The Netherlands).
Title of the dissertation: "Over the influence of the Greek language on the Sicilian dialect".

JUNE 1981

Classic Maturity
by the Institute "Berchet" in MIlan.

Work Experience

1997 - 2000

Freelance translator.

1994 - 1997

Export-Manager for the company Lametars srl in Segrate (MI), Italia.

1992 - 1993

Teacher (French, Italian, English), by the Institute "Sydebanegaard", Kokkedal, Denmark.

NOV 1989 - SEP 1991

Translator by the translation agency "Apta" in Richmond, Surrey (UK).

SEP 1987 - SEP 1989

Professional stage as a translator by the European Commission in Brussels.


Good knowledge, both spoken and written, of the following languages: ITALIAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH and DUTCH.
Good understanding of the following languages: SPANISH and GERMAN.

Computer Knowledge

MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, Lotus WordPro, Lotus 123, Lotus Approach, HTML, JAVA, Photoshop 5.0, Paint Shop Pro, HOTDOG Pro


Movies, Music, Reading and Theatre.